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Contact Practical Heart Skills Trainer and Advisor Bill ProtzmannBill Protzmann West Region Music Therapy Association Keynote

You get it. Your practical heart skills practices are strong. Then the wheels come off. Although this feels bad, it’s actually normal. It’s part of the process: learn a new skill, try it, fail, repeat, succeed.  Seems like there are always new challenges in life, right?

Challenges in Life? Join Us.

Life challenges can quickly defeat an unpracticed student. In contrast, they can be opportunities to strengthen your practice. It’s a fact that most of us learn more quickly under pressure, and that the habits we develop under stress tend to stick with us, both good and bad. You’re not alone; this just happens to human beings. It’s supposed to.

It’s a measure of your success that you’re getting contrast in life. You’re ready. And Practical Heart Skills consultants and coaches are ready to walk alongside you.

What We Do Here…Together…After You Contact Bill Protzmann…

This website offers you alternatives that simply don’t exist anywhere else. We don’t make that claim lightly. Why? Because you really ought to have better tools for self-care, and because those tools ought to be widely available, not part of some health insurance plan or app that charges you a monthly fee for memes and platitudes. Besides that, you deserve to understand how the world around you calls you to be your best. Most importantly, you want to do this work.

Because we are a small but growing team, for a very limited time you have the opportunity to go right to the top and contact Bill Protzmann directly. Although we respect your privacy (our worldwide web policy is here) we really need to introduce and get to know each other and build the trust it takes to work together effectively. You know how this works!

Please connect with us here. You will be taken to the contact form at Music Care Inc, the for-purpose company that sponsors Practical Heart Skills.